How I Improved My Eyesight in Just 2 Weeks…

by taking 3 nutrients you won’t find in most eye supplements.


I am very serious about my health. I watch my diet, I take vitamins and nutrients, and I exercise. I’m basically the “poster child” for doing everything right.

Yet despite everything I do, I started noticing changes with my eyesight.

At first, I noticed I didn’t see as well when I was driving at night. I had trouble with the glare from on-coming headlights, too.

Then I started having trouble reading bottle labels. And I eventually had a hard time reading books and restaurant menus.

It got to the point that I couldn’t see anything I picked up well enough to read it. It almost seemed like there was a conspiracy to decrease the font size of everything in print. (Probably those darn millennials taking over the graphic design industry!)

For the first time in my life, I needed to use magnifying glasses and “cheaters.”

When I went for my annual eye exam, I was told that this kind of vision decline was normal for someone my age.

Well if that’s “normal,” I don’t want any part of it!

Luckily, I’m a doctor. I treat many patients with vision problems much worse than mine. And they get great results with the protocol I give them. So I decided to use the same protocol myself.

Within 2 weeks, I saw a noticeable improvement in my eyesight. And it kept improving. Now 3 years later, my eyesight continues to be great.

Since many of my readers tell me they experience trouble with their vision, I want to tell you about the protocol I’ve been using. It includes 3 special nutrients. These aren’t the typical eye nutrients you hear about. In fact, I haven’t found these 3 in any of the popular vision supplements out there.

Quite frankly, that surprises me. Because they each play a very specific role in improving your eyesight. And I can tell you right now, most people don’t get enough of these nutrients from their diet.

So let me tell you what they are.

Healthy Vision Nutrient #1:
The Neuron Guard

Neuron Guard

Most people think eyesight comes from our eyes. But that’s not exactly true.

Our eyes are only the starting point. What our eyes see is just “raw data” until our brain turns it into an image. The raw data gets to our brain with the help of special neurons found in the optic nerve.

As you may know, you have an optic nerve at the back of each of your eyes. Each optic nerve has over 1 million neurons that connect your eyes and brain. These neurons are responsible for sending visual signals to your brain.

If your neurons are impaired, the raw data might not get to your brain. And even if it does get to your brain, the signal may not be clear. In either case, the end result is that your vision won’t be clear and sharp.

So you need healthy neurons to be able to see well. And there’s a special nutrient that acts as a neuron “guard,” making sure your neurons work the way they should. That nutrient is called Citicoline.

Citicoline is a powerful neuroprotector that improves brain function. It’s often given to people who struggle with cognitive issues.

Citicoline is such a powerful brain nutrient that its effect on vision doesn’t get the attention it should. And that’s a shame. Because studies show it can dramatically improve your eyesight.

In one study, researchers gave people a standard eye exam with letters on a chart.1 They gave them another test called a contrast sensitivity test to find out how well they could see in dim light. And they also gave them a VEP test – a special test that measures how well the optic nerve works.

The researchers then gave the participants citicoline to take daily. When the participants returned 15 days later to have their eyes tested again, the researchers were amazed by the results.

  • The participants’ VEP score improved by an average of 30%.
  • Their contrast sensitivity improved by 3dB, which is a dramatic improvement.
  • And their visual acuity improved by 47%. That’s almost 2 lines on the eye chart!

And this all happened in just 15 days!

But that’s not all. Participants in other citicoline studies also saw improvement. They told researchers that “colors appear more saturated” and “letters appear more contrasted.”

And here’s another interesting fact: Citicoline is so important that if you don’t get enough from your diet, your body will steal nutrients from other cells to make it.

But that’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul. Because your body takes the nutrients from a protective layer around other cells. And that makes those cells vulnerable to attack from toxins, bacteria, and viruses.

So how do you make sure you get enough citicoline? One way is to eat organ meat every day, like liver, kidneys, and brains.

But I know most people won’t eat enough organ meat to get the citicoline they need. That’s why I worked with my friends at Advanced Bionutritionals to make the only vision formula I know of that contains citicoline. It’s called Advanced Vision Formula.

Advanced Vision Formula Bottle Image

Advanced Vision Formula gives you the citicoline you need to protect your neurons and keep them healthy. Not only that, citicoline is also a neuroenhancer. That means it makes your neurons work better. And that helps sharpen your vision.

Now adding citicoline to Advanced Vision Formula already makes it one of the most powerful eye supplements you can take. But we didn’t stop there. Because I wanted to tackle another vision-robbing factor almost no one talks about.

How to Keep Sugar from Harming Your Vision

You may have heard that people with high blood sugar should stay clear from eating high glycemic foods like bread and pasta. The reason is that these foods are quickly digested and absorbed into your body. And that causes your glucose level to spike.

Well, researchers from Tufts and Harvard discovered something interesting. They found that the glucose from eating high glycemic foods can also wreak havoc on your eyesight… even if you don’t have any other health problems.

In this study, researchers gave 526 nurses a comprehensive eye exam to establish their baseline eye health. The nurses then tracked everything they ate for the next 10 years. At the end of the 10-year study, the researchers took another look at the nurses’ eye health. And the results were shockingly clear.

The nurses who ate high glycemic carbs doubled their likelihood of developing vision problems. You read that right.

So anyone who eats white bread, rice, or pasta is 2 times more likely to develop problems with their vision.

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But here’s good news. Another Tufts University study shows that it’s possible to erase this eye damage!

Researchers took 59 middle-aged mice and split them into 2 groups. One group of mice was fed a low glycemic diet during the entire study. The other group was fed the exact same number of calories as the first group, but they ate a high glycemic diet.

Then, when the mice were 18 months old, the researchers changed the diet of the high-glycemic diet group. These mice switched over to the same low-glycemic diet as the first group of mice.

The study ended when the mice were elderly. Then the researchers compared the mice's retinas… and boy were they amazed!

The high glycemic diet group had very damaged retinas. They also had badly damaged photoreceptor cells, which are special cells inside your retinas. The cells were old and worn out. A lot of them had died (and dead photoreceptors can’t be replaced).

They also had a buildup of “lipofuscin granules.” Those are bad because they can turn into drusen. Drusen are the yellowish clusters that can form when your eyes don’t clear away toxins. Over time, they can eventually interfere with your eyesight.

But it was a very different story for the mice that switched to the low-glycemic diet.

The retinas of those mice were almost identical to the mice who had been on the low glycemic diet from the start! They had almost no retina damage… their photoreceptor cells didn’t show any signs of age… and they had very few lipofuscin granules.

This remarkable study shows it’s possible to reverse damage to retinas by switching to a low glycemic diet.

But I know many folks might not want to completely give up eating foods like rice, pasta, and French fries. That’s why I wanted to include a second special nutrient in Advanced Vision Formula. I wanted to help my patients manage the glycemic effect of the carbs they eat. And that’s exactly what this next nutrient does.

Healthy Vision Nutrient #2:
The Glycemic Stabilizer

Have you ever wondered why some carbs, like bread and pasta, can cause your blood sugar to spike… while other carbs, like oatmeal, do not? The answer is fiber. And in the case of oatmeal, it’s a special type of fiber called Beta Glucan.

When you ingest beta glucan, you actually change the entire composition of everything else you eat. The beta glucan turns into a thick, sticky substance inside your intestines. Then the substance mixes with whatever else you’ve eaten. And this slows your digestion.

Slower digestion also slows down what your body absorbs… including any carbs you eat. This means you don’t get that quick spike in your glycemic response. And research shows if your diet includes beta glucan, you can actually lower your glycemic response by up to 25%!2

Unfortunately, most people get less than half the amount of daily fiber they should. And unless they intentionally eat fiber that contains beta glucan, they won’t be getting this kind of glycemic-lowering benefit. That’s why I insisted we include beta glucan in Advanced Vision Formula.

This special ingredient helps stabilize the glycemic response from the foods you eat. That gives your eyes the chance to reverse any retina damage that’s accumulated over the years. And as your retinas heal, you’ll see improvement in your eyesight… just like I did.

And that brings me to the third special nutrient. This one helps your eyes speed up retinal healing.

Healthy Vision Nutrient #3:
Clears Toxins and Drenches Your Eyes With Nutrients

This nutrient comes from the world’s oldest living tree. This species of tree was around even before the dinosaurs! That means it escaped the mass extinction that wiped out 90% of all the plants on Earth.

I’m talking about the Ginkgo Biloba Tree.

You may have heard of ginkgo biloba. It’s mostly known for its remarkable ability to boost blood circulation to the brain. Well it does the same for your eyes, too. And this helps improve your eyesight in 3 important ways.

First, it keeps your optic nerves healthy. And as you saw earlier, good eyesight depends on having healthy optic nerves.

Second, it helps your eyes flush away toxins that would otherwise build up. That helps prevent drusen from forming and interfering with your eyesight.

And third, it gets more nutrients to your eyes faster.

Plus, studies show ginkgo works fast! In a placebo-controlled study, participants who were given 120 mg of ginkgo biloba showed a 23% increase in blood flow.3 And that was after just 2 days! So that’s why I made sure to include 120 mg of ginkgo biloba in Advanced Vision Formula.

If your vision protocol doesn’t include ginkgo, it doesn’t really matter what other eye nutrients you take. Because there’s a very good chance only a small amount will actually get to your eyes. So you’ll just be wasting your money.

But Advanced Vision Formula gives you the amount of ginkgo you need to make sure the other nutrients in our formula get right into your eyes where they’re needed.

As you can see, each of these 3 essential nutrients play an important role in maintaining your eyesight… and even improving it. I see the results with my patients all the time. And I saw the results with my own 2 eyes, too!

That’s why I made sure we included the proper dosage of each of these nutrients in Advanced Vision Formula.

But we didn’t stop there. We also included nutrients that address one of the top causes of vision problems today…


How Blue Light Can Harm Your Eyes

Since the year 2000, the number of people with vision problems has skyrocketed. We’re even seeing eye problems among young children! And one of the main culprits behind this trend is our increased exposure to blue light.

As you may know, we’re all exposed to blue light every day. We get a lot of it naturally from the sun. But we now get much more from other ways, too.

You get blue light from florescent and LED lights. You get it every time you watch television on a flat screen TV. And you get it whenever you use your cell phone, tablet, or computer.

These are all parts of modern day living. So unless you want to live in a cave, you need a way to protect your eyes from harmful blue light.

Well, believe it or not, there is a natural way to absorb blue light before it has the chance to cause any damage. All you have to do is take two nutrients called Lutein (LOO-teen) and Zeaxanthin (zee-uh-ZAN-thin).

Blue Light Image

Healthy Vision Nutrient #4:
Protects Your Central Vision

Let’s talk about Zeaxanthin first. Zeaxanthin is a nutrient that is found in certain carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables. And if you don’t get enough of it from your diet, it could be disastrous for your eyesight. Why? Because zeaxanthin is critical for the health of the central part of your retina. (This part of the retina is called the macula.)

Here’s what researchers at Harvard Medical School found when they tested zeaxanthin levels on a group of Japanese quail.4 (They used quail because their retina is very close to the human retina.)

The quail were split into 3 groups. One group ate a normal diet. The second group ate a diet without any carotenoids in it. And the third group ate the same no-carotenoid diet, but they were also given zeaxanthin.

After 6 months on these diets, the quail were exposed to damaging bright light. When the researchers then checked their eyes, they saw that the quail that had no zeaxanthin in their diet had badly damaged retinas. They showed gaps where photoreceptors used to be. (Those gaps create blind spots.)

But the quail on the normal diet had much less damage done to their retinas. And the quail that got the zeaxanthin had even less damage. This shows that zeaxanthin protects the photoreceptors in the center of your eyes.

But you have other photoreceptors in the area surrounding the center of your macula. And that’s where lutein comes in.

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Healthy Vision Nutrient #5:
Increases Macular Pigment Density

Lutein is important because it protects the outer part of your macula. In fact, lutein actually improves the density of your macular pigment. The more dense your macular pigment, the less blue light gets into your eyes.

Here’s a study that illustrates this:

Researchers in the UK did a one-year, double-blind placebo-controlled study to see how lutein affects vision.5 It included 72 participants between 50 and 80 years old. At the start of the study, the researchers measured the participants’ level of lutein in their blood. They also measured the density of their macular pigment. And finally, they tested the participants’ visual acuity by seeing how many letters they could read on a chart.

Then the researchers gave 36 participants capsules with 10 mg of lutein esters daily. The other 37 were giving a placebo. At the end of the one-year study, here’s what the researchers found.

The placebo group had no change in their lutein levels. But the lutein group saw an average 300% increase in their lutein! Even better, they also had a 39.5% increase in the density of their macular pigment.

But that’s not all. The researchers also tested the participants’ vision. They found that the vision of the people in the placebo group got worse.

What about the group taking lutein? The researchers found that those who had good vision before the study continued to have good vision afterwards. But those who had poor vision before the study improved after taking lutein. In fact, their visual acuity improved by a staggering 30%!

This study tells us 3 very important things about lutein.

  • 10 mg of lutein esters dramatically improves your eyes’ macular pigment. So it blocks more blue light from getting inside your eyes.
  • 10 mg of lutein esters helps prevent your visual acuity from getting worse.
  • If your visual acuity is below normal, 10 mg of lutein esters is all you need to dramatically improve your vision.

That’s why Advanced Vision Formula includes 10 mg of lutein esters and not more. Because there’s a point when your eyes have all the lutein they can absorb.

The “More is Better” Lutein Hoax

It always surprises me to see vision supplements that load you up on lutein. When your eyes are saturated with lutein, getting more doesn’t do anything. So the “more is better” approach isn’t smart. The extra lutein just goes to waste.

I would much rather you invest your money in other vision-saving ingredients, like citicoline, beta glucan, and ginkgo… not on more lutein.

And here’s something else about lutein: Most people actually get more of it from their diet than they think they do.

But that’s not the case with zeaxanthin. And it really irks me when I see information out there that talks about lutein and zeaxanthin like they’re practically the same. Because they’re not. Let me show you what I mean.

You may have heard people say that you should eat leafy greens like spinach and kale. And in fact, spinach and kale are very good sources of lutein.

But spinach actually has no zeaxanthin. And kale has only a tiny amount. So while spinach and kale are excellent sources of lutein and other important nutrients… zeaxanthin isn’t one of them.

Vegetables Image

Zeaxanthin is actually found in very few foods… mostly orange peppers, mango, and goji berries.

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Fortunately, your eyes don’t need a ton of zeaxanthin to get the benefit of it. Study after study shows a supplement with 3 mg does the trick… and that’s the exact amount you’ll get in Advanced Vision Formula.

And here’s something else about this power team of nutrients…

They Help Improve the Annoying Glare You Get From Oncoming Headlights

As I mentioned a moment ago, lutein and zeaxanthin improve the density of your macular pigment. And when your macular pigment is healthy, your eyes adjust quicker between light and dark.

But when it’s unhealthy, your eyes don’t adjust as fast. And that makes it harder to see when you’re driving at night. Your eyes can’t recover as quickly from the bright headlights.

This is a big problem among older folks. When they no longer feel comfortable driving at night, they turn down invitations to meet friends for dinner. They stop enjoying evening social activities. And if this continues long enough, it starts a downward cycle of social isolation.

The good news is that you don’t have to let that happen to you. You can keep it from happening simply by taking the right amount of lutein and zeaxanthin. In fact, research shows that the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin in Advanced Vision Formula improves glare recovery by 23%!6

Now let’s talk about another cause of declining eyesight… and the solution.

Healthy Vision Nutrient #6:
Stops Oxidative Stress From Damaging Your Eyesight

As you may know, oxidative stress is brutal on your cells. It actually triggers a spiral that weakens, wears out, and eventually completely breaks down your cells.

So clearly you need to give your eyes a way to fight oxidative stress. And that’s exactly what this next eye care nutrient does.

For a long time, antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables were our best hope against oxidative stress. Unfortunately, with the amount of blue light our eyes are exposed to these days, that isn’t nearly enough.

What’s more, many antioxidants never make it to your eyes. Why? Because there is a protective barrier separating your eyes from your bloodstream. This barrier is there to protect germs and other pathogens from getting to your eye. Unfortunately, the barrier also keeps many nutrients from getting through.

Fortunately, there is a solution. It’s called Astaxanthin (asta-ZAN-thin).

Astaxanthin is the most powerful antioxidant you can find. It’s ten times more powerful than lutein!

But you won’t find astaxanthin in any fruits or vegetables…

Astaxanthin is only found in marine animals. One of the best sources of it is a special kind of tropical microalgae. When you add it to your diet, your eyes gladly let it past the protective barrier. Once there, it goes to work intercepting the free radicals and stopping the spiral before it even starts!

Not only that, studies show when you combine astaxanthin with lutein and zeaxanthin, it does an even better job at protecting people’s eyesight. And in the majority of cases, it makes people’s eyesight even better!

A 2-year study looked at over 100 people struggling with declining vision.7 Researchers split the people into 2 groups. One group was treated with a combination of lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin to take daily. The non-treated group didn’t take anything.

At the end of the study, the researchers saw that people in the non-treated group were up to 75% more likely to have lost at least 1 line on the visual acuity test.

But in the treated group, 59.1% of the people improved their vision! Overall, 80.2% of the treated group had either improved or stopped their vision decline.

That’s why we include 4 mg of astaxanthin in Advanced Vision Formula. But not just any kind… our astaxanthin comes from a special microalgae that’s found along the Hawaiian coast. It’s up to 250 times more potent than other forms of astaxanthin.

But we didn’t stop there. Because oxidative stress caused by blue light is no joke. That’s why we also added another special ingredient.

This one boosts a powerful enzyme that your body uses to fight oxidative stress.

Healthy Vision Nutrient #7:
Boosts Your Body’s Top Antioxidant Enzyme

Since oxidative stress is so damaging to our cells, our bodies come equipped with ways to try to stop it. One those ways is an enzyme called superoxide dismutase, or SOD. SOD actually breaks down free radicals throughout our bodies before they cause us trouble.

Unfortunately, our SOD levels naturally decrease as we get older. This means more oxidative stress is allowed to run rampant in our bodies, making us age faster. So it’s no surprise that people with vision problems also have lower levels of SOD.

But there is a nutrient that’s found in yeast, liver, kidney, and some vegetables that helps restore SOD levels. That nutrient is Alpha Lipoic Acid. And when some researchers gave it to people with vision problems, it dramatically increased their SOD levels.

This study included 50 participants ranging from 60-83 years old.8 They had all completed the Low Vision Quality of Life questionnaire that showed their eyesight was bad enough that it interfered with their quality of life.

The researchers first checked the study participants’ SOD levels, and then gave them alpha lipoic acid capsules to take daily.

When the study ended 3 months later, researchers measured the participants’ SOD levels again. In just 3 months, their SOD had increased by an average of 21.5%!

But the best part came when the study participants completed the questionnaire again. Their answers showed their quality of life had increased an average of 12% -- in just 90 days!

So it only makes sense that we include alpha lipoic acid in Advanced Vision Formula. That way your body’s natural oxidative stress fighters can work harder for you.

Advanced Vision Formula also contains…

Healthy Vision Nutrient #8:
“An Orange a Day Keeps the Ophthalmologist Away.”

What if eating an orange a day reduced your risk of developing serious vision problems later in life? Well that’s exactly what this remarkable study from Australia found!

This study followed 2,037 people over a 15-year period. The participants tracked everything they ate and all their activity during that time.

At the end of the study, the researchers found that people who ate foods high in flavonoids were 57% less likely to develop vision problems.

But then the researchers looked at one flavonoid-rich food specifically. And these results were even more eye-opening.

The researchers found that people who ate oranges every week were a whopping 92% less likely to have vision problems later in life!

So we knew we had to include flavonoids in Advanced Vision Formula. But orange flavonoids are tricky. The flavonoid composition can vary based on the type of orange and even the conditions it’s grown in.

That means a navel orange and a clementine grown in Florida will each have different flavonoids. And a tangerine grown in California will be different from a tangerine grown in Spain. So we knew we couldn’t promise the same results as the Australian study unless you ate the exact same oranges that the folks in Australia ate.

But we found a way around this problem. For Advanced Vision Formula, we include 300 mg of a broad-spectrum citrus bioflavonoid complex. That way you’ll get a full spectrum of eye nourishing bioflavonoids.

Now so far I’ve only told you about a bunch of the specialized ingredients in Advanced Vision Formula. But there are also some “good old-fashioned” vitamins that are also important for your eyesight. And that brings me to our next vision nutrient…

Orange Image

Healthy Vision Nutrient #9:
The Best and Safest Way to Get Your Vitamin A

As you may know, Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins for your eyes because it keeps the cornea of your eyes healthy. The cornea is the protective barrier that keeps grit, pollutants, and toxins from getting into your eyes.

Vitamin A is also essential for good night vision. If you don’t have enough in your diet, you’ll have trouble seeing things in dim light (like the trouble I used to have reading restaurant menus).

So I knew we had to include Vitamin A in Advanced Vision Formula. But I had to make sure we included the most effective kind.

That’s why I’m so excited about this special form of Vitamin A. It comes from a microalga called D. salina.

D. salina thrives in salt ponds – one of the harshest environments you can find. In addition to having a high salt content, salt ponds are also exposed to extreme amounts of intense light… just like your eyes.

The reason why D. salina can thrive in such a harsh environment is because it naturally creates high amounts of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene shields the D. salina from UV radiation and the damaging effects of intense exposure to light.

So we use D. salina in Advanced Vision Formula because of its high amount of natural beta-carotene.

As you may know, our bodies convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A. In fact, your body is so smart that it converts just enough beta-carotene to make the exact amount of Vitamin A it needs.

That means you get all the benefits of Vitamin A to sharpen your vision… even in dim light… without any of the risks you’re exposed to from synthetic forms of Vitamin A.

So there you have it. Nine healthy vision nutrients, including 3 that you won’t find in other popular eye health supplements. And also a few others that are rarely included, like citrus bioflavonoid complex and D. salina.

But Advanced Vision Formula doesn’t stop there! Because I truly wanted it to be the best eye-care formula you could buy. I know how important good vision is to a person’s quality of life. That’s why Advanced Vision Formula also includes…

Vitamin A Image

6 More Powerful Vision Nutrients to Stop Your Eyesight From Declining, and Even Help Sharpen Your Vision

N-acetyl-L-cycteine (NAC): NAC helps your body fight oxidative stress by dramatically increasing your glutathione level. As you may know, glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant. It’s practically impossible for toxins to get by it. That means it will finish off any remaining chance of damage caused by blue light.

Zinc: Studies have shown that zinc can slow vision decline in people with eyesight troubles, especially when it’s combined with antioxidants like vitamin C and beta carotene. One study found people taking only antioxidants were 17% less likely to develop more serious vision problems … and people taking only zinc were 21% less likely… but people taking both antioxidants and zinc were 25% less likely to develop serious vision problems!9 That’s why we made sure to give you both in Advanced Vision Formula.

Vitamin C: When you combine Vitamin C with some of the flavonoids in our citrus bioflavonoid complex, they both work harder. And over 30 studies show vitamin C helps reduce glare and keeps your eyes from turning cloudy or foggy.10

Bilberry: Bilberry drenches your eyes with vision enhancing nutrients, including antioxidants and flavonoids. It’s an excellent source of anthocyanins (ann-tho-SIGH-anin). It’s been shown to keep your lenses from getting cloudy, help improve night vision, and relieve “digital eye fatigue.” One study showed 73% of people taking 100 mg a day saw a dramatic improvement in digital eye fatigue in just 4 weeks. (Advanced Vision Formula gives you 120 mg.)

Grape Seed: Like bilberry, grape seed is another fantastic source of anthocyanins. Grape seed extract has been shown to prevent oxidative stress from sending the “time to die” signal to cells in the protective barrier between your eyes and bloodstream. So it’s added protection against blue light.

Taurine: Healthy retinas are loaded with this remarkable amino acid. One of the amazing things about taurine is that it can actually repair worn out retinas! And it’s important you get enough taurine. If your body is low, it can lead to developing foggy lenses or other vision problems. That’s why we give you 250 mg in Advanced Vision Formula… so your retinas can heal any age-related damages.

In all, you get 15 of the most powerful eye-care nutrients you can find in Advanced Vision Formula. Every single one of them has been shown to slow vision decline… and in many cases improve your eyesight.

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What’s more, Advanced Vision Formula has worked for tens of thousands of people.

Here’s what 77-year-old Rachel Ikenberry says about one of her visits to the eye doctor. The doctor told her he found drusen in the back of her eye…

“He really wanted me to take the vision supplement that he was recommending me in his office. I said I'm taking Advanced Vision Formula. Let's see how it goes. So probably a year later I had it checked again and the drusen was releasing… the condition was really getting better. And he said, ‘Whatever you're doing, don't quit. Because it’s really unheard of that this condition would reverse itself. It would normally only get worse.’… I’m just really thrilled about it!”

And here’s what Frank K, from Marlborough Massachusetts says:

“My vision has improved tremendously. I no longer require glasses when I am driving. I can clearly see all posted road sign and my night vision is no longer bothered by the glare of approaching vehicle headlights.”

83-year-old Robert Mathein says…

“After years of treatment with no success, I started Advanced Vision Formula about a year ago. Didn't happen overnight, but now I'm seeing changes for the better. I take off my glasses and see better. I'll need new glasses and THAT is a good thing.”

Carol M. from Spring Harbor, Michigan says:

“When I started taking the vision formula I almost immediately saw (literally) a huge change. I was able to focus again and see much better. Later a new ingredient was added and I noticed my night vision became demonstrably clearer. This formula really works. I also give it to my 92-year-old friend, and I am sure it's the reason her eyesight has been almost stable for several years.”

Christian S from Australia says:

“I am sure due to taking the Vision Formula I am still without glasses at the age of 72. People often think it is costly to take those supplements but I think it is a small price to pay for not needing glasses and the convenience of not looking for them.”

Mary K. from Texas says:

“I was so pleased that after taking it consistently for one month, I noticed that I could drive at night without my glasses. After two additional months I really didn’t need to wear my glasses. I will continue on this product for the rest of my life.”

Yes, you can stop your eyesight from getting worse as you get older, just like Rachel, Robert, Frank, Carol, Christian, Mary, and me!

Imagine how great it will feel to know you can go out and not worry about getting back home before the sun goes down.

Imagine being able to see better, even in dim light… to have an easier time reading books, restaurant menus, and even bottle labels.

And imagine being able to protect your right to drive… well into your 70s, 80s, and beyond.

Well, that kind of change in your eyesight is possible for you, too. Advanced Vision Formula gives you all the nutrients you need to stop new eye damage… special ingredients that make sure the nutrients get to your eyes… and ingredients that help your eyes repair existing damage.

Not only that… Advanced Vision Formula is the only eye-care supplement that gives you citicoline to make sure your optic nerves stay healthy.

Try Advanced Vision Formula at the lowest prices… and Get FREE shipping too!

It took a dedicated team of professionals months and months of research to find the best sources of each of the 15 ingredients in Advanced Vision Formula. If you bought them separately, it would easily cost you hundreds of dollars every month. More importantly, you’d have no guarantee of the quality of the ingredients.

But if you take Advanced Vision Formula, you can rest assured that each of the 15 nutrients is of the highest quality possible. And you get them in 1 single supplement, instead of having to take 15 different ones.

And you save money, too…

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A One-Month Advanced Vision Formula Starter Pack is just $79.95 plus shipping. That’s $2.67 a day (less than the average cost of a cup of coffee!).

Three Bottle Image

But if you want to save $24.90, I suggest you try the 3-Month Savings Pack for $214.95… and you’ll get free shipping!

Six Bottle Image

Now if you’re really series about improving your eyesight… the 6-Month Super Pack for $399.90 is for you! It saves you $79.80, plus you’ll get free shipping! That’s 6 entire months of the best eye care supplement money can buy. This way you’ll be sure to give your eyes the time they need to heal. (Remember, my eyesight kept improving for over a year.)

Down-to-the-Last-Pill Guarantee

I know how effective Advanced Vision Formula is. I’ve seen it with my patients… and I’ve seen it with my own 2 eyes. I stand by this remarkable formula. That’s why I won’t hesitate to give you this money back guarantee:

  • YOU WILL start to see an improvement in your vision in as little as 2 weeks. I guarantee this, or your money back.
  • YOU WILL continue to see dramatic improvements after 2 weeks. That’s because Advanced Vision Formula helps your eyes heal existing damage in your retinas.

If you don’t see any improvement in your eyesight… or if you’re not satisfied with Advanced Vision Formula for any reason whatsoever… simply return the empty bottle(s) within 90 days for a full refund of every penny you paid, including shipping and handling. No questions asked, no exceptions, no fine print. You only pay return shipping.

Either you’re over the moon with your results… or you pay nothing.

Ordering is easy to do below. You can choose the One-Month Started Pack, the 3-Month Savings Pack, or the 6-Month Super Pack. Or call us at 1-800-791-3395.

Frankly, I think ordering the 6-Month Super Pack is the way to go. It’s a no-lose proposition. Plus, if you’re not 100% satisfied, you can simply return the empty bottles within 90 days and get all your money back. And if you are satisfied, you get the pay the lowest price per bottle.

Yours for excellent health,

Doctor Shallenberger

Frank Shallenberger, M.D.


"This supplement helping me to maintain excellent vision and my eye doctor praised me for having Vision Formula."

- Stephen S., Advanced Vision Formula Customer


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  • Money Back Guarantee Advanced Bionutritionals Guarantee

    Every purchase is protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, return it within 90 days for a full refund. You only pay return shipping.

Advanced Vision Formula Reviews

233 Reviews   |   4.1 Average Rating   |   80% Recommend This Supplement 

Your eyes need this! *
By Donna M. (Boulder City, NV) - 3/24/2024
I treasure my eyesight. My optometrist recommended I take eye vitamins. The Advanced Vision Formula has everything I need to keep my eyes healthy! I was taking some eye vitamins individually before. Why do that when you can get everything you need all in one tablet? I was sold and my eyes are doing great!
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Vision Exam Improvements!  *
By Kathleen C. (Lansing, MI) - 3/22/2024
Vision acuity is improving! Testing higher!, 2 lines better!
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Unexpected Positive Results from the vision formula  *
By Sanjeev S. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) - 1/24/2024
I received some very positive results from this advanced vision formula. I am 49 years old and recently, I discovered that my eyesight wasn’t as good as it used to be. After reading about the supplement, I decided it was worth a try just to improve my eyesight and make it so that my eyes didn’t deteriorate further. While my eyesight hasn’t gotten tremendously better after a month of use with this supplement. I’ve noticed that I have more energy and also a bone that used to hurt in my hand is no longer hurting anymore. I don’t know why this has resulted from taking the supplement. While this supplement is rather expensive, it seems to produce some very favorable results. I take other supplements also. Several of those supplements are actually included in the advanced vision formula but the results from the advanced vision formula are quite unique, and I haven’t experienced these results from any other supplements.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Highly recommend this product. *
By LILLIE A. (HAZEL CREST, IL) - 12/11/2023
I have been using this product for about 6wks. My vision has significantly improved. I can read longer without my glasses and my eye pressure has improved.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Advanced Vision Formula *
By Michael M. (Naperville, IL) - 11/22/2023
I have just recently purchased Advanced Vision Formula about 3 weeks ago. After taking it for 3 or 4 days my vision seemed to get better and the soreness went away.. I would recommend this product to anyone who is having problems with their eyesight.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
Improved vision I'm crediting Advanced Vision Formula *
By Xavier S. (Sweet Home, OR) - 10/17/2023
I have been taking the Advanced Vision Formula for about a year. After the doctor finished examining my eyes, he looked at my chart and said, "It's improved. Your vision has improved." Then he looked at my chart again, looked at his notes from his examination, looked at me and nodded his head. "Improved," he repeated. I'm 76 years old.
  I Recommend This Supplement
  Verified Customer
* Above are actual reviews from our customers. These customer’s statements may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The reviews should not be taken as the results a typical user will get. Your results may vary.


  • Dr. Frank Shallenberger is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for his work in formulating and endorsing this product.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent a disease.


  • 1. Porciatti V, Schiavi C, Benedetti P, Baldi A, Campos EC. Curr Eye Res. 1998 Feb;17(2):141-8.
  • 2. Brennan MA, Derbyshire E, Tiwari BK, Brennan CS. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2013 Mar;68(1):78-82.
  • 3. Chung HS, Harris A, Kristinsson JK, Ciulla TA, Kagemann C, Ritch R. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 1999 Jun;15(3):233-40.
  • 4. Toyoda Y, Thomson LR, Langner A, Craft NE, Garnett KM, et al. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2002 Apr;43(4):1210-21.
  • 5. Murray IJ, Makridaki M, van der Veen RL, Carden D, Parry NR, Berendschot TT. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 Mar 11;54(3):1781-8
  • 6. Hammond BR, Fletcher LM, Roos F, Wittwer J, Schalch W. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Dec 2;55(12):8583-9.
  • 7. Piermarocchi S, Saviano S, Parisi V, Tedeschi M, Panozzo G. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2012 Mar-Apr;22(2):216-25.
  • 8. Wolffsohn JS, Cochrane AL. Am J Ophthalmol. 2000 Dec;130(6):793-802.
  • 9. Arch Ophthalmol. 2001;119(10):1417-1436.
  • 10. Wei L, Liang G, Cai C, Lv J. Acta Ophthalmol. 2016 May;94(3):e170-6.
Advanced Bionutritionals® products are manufactured in the USA from globally sourced ingredients by Formulation Technology, Inc.

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